My name is Nick Rogers. I'm posting code tutorials, travel updates, and book reviews (when I get a chance). I love the internet and have professionally enjoyed a smorgasbord of different languages on both the front and backend. I love a good sql query, I am a typescript never-caster, and I think building software is a ton of fun. I am doing my best to build in public and record what I learn. Thanks for being along for the journey.

I used to work as a Baseball Systems Developer at Minnesota Twins, and Early Team Fullstack at Neo Financial. You can read all of that on LinkedIn if you are looking for professional connections or if you are just here to perform some open source intelligence. Right now I am working on developing software tutorials and travelling.

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This site is powered by Ghost 👻
I love the lightweight editor from Ghost. They also have an official github action that will deploy your custom themes automatically and that is nice. I'll write some guides to ghost in the future (esp. if you are interested and reach out). I have thoughts on the local dev process.