Deploy From Anywhere Ep 4

[prompt: /imagine The Grand Canyon as graffiti art]


I travelled to the Grand Canyon and felt small while experiencing the Dark Sky™️. Seriously, the Grand Canyon is awesome.

Peak Grandness: One Canyon’s Story
This week, we drove to the Grand Canyon and toured the South Rim. I walked along the ridge and looked over the edge at the endless depth. As your eyes descend, the stones grow more ancient, the deepest ones are billions of years old. It really is deep. Deep enough


I enhanced a data set of images using ChatGPT Vision API. In this experiment, I labelled a ton of art from Magic: The Gathering and indexed the descriptions to make a searchable database based on the content of the image! (Demo after the link) 👇

Image Labelling with ChatGPT Vision + Magic: The Gathering
Learn what you can do with GPT-4 with Vision, or gpt-4-vision-preview - a model from OpenAI that can answer questions about images. Code and cost…


Red Team Blues by Corey Doctorow. Great book, deeper review coming soon after I read the next in the series. Also, Corey is at an event in Tucson this week, and I might actually get to meet him.