Deploy From Anywhere Ep 2

This week I travel to dusty Tombstone, Arizona where the ghosts of cowboys duel in the streets. I offer a a software developers perspective on a chapter from Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act - A Way of Being" which is as much a spiritual tome as a practical guide to creativity.

In Arizona's small towns, the American spirit endures, shaped by history's ebb and flow, where locals cling to their roots amidst reinvention and nostalgia. Pictures Inside.
As my year of travel continues, I do some reflecting on small Town Arizona while enjoying a Doctor Pepper in front of a retro Doctor Pepper poster and watching gun fights in Tombstone, Arizona. Check out the links for some pics from the trip.

A collection of software things I learned over four years at a rapidly growing startup.
I spent some time this week reflecting on a few of the things that I learned while working at Neo Financial. I really am not sure what I was thinking with this title. Neo was a fun and fast-paced time, and it seemed worth penning some thoughts on the knowledge I absorbed working at a rapidly growing startup company. Join me for a peek behind the scenes.

Want to sell things online? Here's a quick guide to a sales page you could launch today.
I made a tutorial about making a "Pay What You Can" style sales page using very basic tech that you can launch in an hour. My thought was that this kind of payment page is probably a good thing to put out into the world. If you are curious about trying stripe or, then add this to your bookmarks đź”–

I reflect on a single chapter from Rick Rubin's The Creative Act and how it applies to software development.
Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act - A Way of Being" is a user's guide to creation. In this article, I reflect on how his advice applies to creation in software development, emphasizing small steps, environmental changes, and varied perspectives to overcome creative blocks.